Hi, on the new Hypertrophy template, week 1 day 2 exercise 3 I’m doing low incline bench press with MYO-reps. The first set is 70% E1RM AMRAP then sets 2 and 3 are 63% e1RM x 12 x 2 sets
So after each of these sets I wait 20-30 seconds then do a MYO-rep set in the 3-5 rep range with the same weight as the set? Sorry if this seems obvious, I searched and think I figured it out from other answers but am not sure.
Those aren’t myoreps, but rather a more traditional “top set” (70% AMRAP) and “drop sets” (63% x 12 x 2). I think one of the earlier versions of the templates had the wrong rest periods in there, but the latest version is correct. You can download it at any time from the website.
Hello! I’d suggest downloading the template again, actually. This is an error in the wording for that rest slot, and these are NOT myo-reps. You will complete the set at 70%, rest 2-3 min and then do the sets at 62% with 2-3 min as well.
It’s an understandable question!
Hello Dr.
Is it strange that I can do 10-11 reps on DB Press with 20 kg for the 1st set (70% AMRAP), but barely get 8-9 reps with 16 kg on the subsequent sets? I wait about 2.5 min between these sets.
I have similar strength-endurance issue (if that’s an appropriate term) with biceps curls. I can rep 80 lb for a set of 12, but my arm hardens like concrete and I can’t even match reps with 50 lb in the next set.
Awesome, thanks! MYO reps sound fun though, hope to work them in later. I really like the Hypertrophy template.
Not strange at all. I’d lower the weight more until your conditioning improves. Sounds like a sick pump though!