In September 2017 I was able to do 3 sets of 5 of 135 for Press. It wasn’t perfect, probably not even pretty. Yesterday I did 1 rep of 135 and it was an RPE 10. In the first workout of The Bridge I was doing I did 5@100-8. In the last couple weeks I have PR’d Bench, Squat and Deadlift. I have had my form checked by a SS coach, and if I am capable of doing the lift right. The only things I can think of that are causing this regression is I can be sloppy with the lift, though not a lot, I’m not bouncing the weight up (Press 1.0) and I’m not getting enough volume for my shoulders. And I hate it. Nocebo. Hate the Press.
How to fix this?
First thing I’m going to do is back the weight off and make sure my form is ok every time.
I am on week five of the seven week hypertrophy program, would adding an additional set of Presses to the usual Press day be beneficial? What would that look like? A higher rep back off set? A Myorep?
What about adding a Press to other days? What would that look like? One more a week? Every workout? Work up to one 8 RPE? A Myorep? What about… all the other variation possibilities?
Is the Press template supplementary to another workout or does it include squat, deadlift training, etc.?
Love the Press. It’s wonderful.
Other than my Press sucking I made great progress on The Bridge and am enjoying the Hypertrophy program.Thanks for the quality workouts! Much appreciated.
So you’re on the first week of transitioning to singles for the comp lifts. You might just need practice in singles now. I don’t know how your e1RM for the press has trended for the first 4 weeks on this program, and since that was a lot of volume with 6s, that would be helpful to look at.
I would not back off the weight, I’d just continue with the hypertrophy program and aim to increase to your single from 135 I also would not add more work for the final few weeks of this program, as we don’t know based on this if you are actually having trouble with the press of just the single of the press here.
The press template is a full training program and includes the other main lifts.
Glad it’s all working out so well, overall! There might not be a press problem-let’s see!
Thanks for the response Leah. What else could it be? Given that I’ve pressed 135 for reps before. This is also not the first time I’ve done singles. I’ve done them previously fooling around in the gym and during the Bridge.
You haven’t been training the press as regularly as before and I wouldn’t expect your strength performance to be preserved or improve in that lift unless you get MUCH stronger, you know?
If you’re doing the bridge, I wouldn’t add more pressing to it until you get some data from your first run through it.
I would also try and not think about it too much. Do the workouts as written, don’t overshoot the RPE. See how it goes and then use that data to adjust in the future.
Have you changed your pressing technique? I have gone all over the board with my own technique ( press with rebound, paused at bottom, press 2.0) . Each time I changed my press method, I have found my est 1RM dropped. I have ended up settling on the pause at the bottom for each rep similar to how Jordan presses. This form has kept me from getting sloppy with bar path as I fatigue during heavy sets.