Nutrition/Medical Advice from a Chiropractor


I am just curious about your thoughts on people seeing Chiropractors for medical or nutritional advice. Could they be a good source of information? I ask because my mother in law who also takes my sister in law to a Chiropractor not for back cracking but for all their medical concerns. He’s doing things like allergy tests and thyroid tests, putting them on elimination diets, and most recently told my mother in law that since her thyroid level is high she needs to stop eating sugar and starch and he is going to prescribe her some special vitamins to help her thyroid level. Which I am all for people eating less sugar, but rarely do I think people need to cut everything out completely. He also told my sister in law the reason she has irregular periods is because she needs to be eating cane sugar and not processed sugar. Which I am no expert myself, but just sounds bizarre to me. Like those who use fear mongering about certain foods on social media to sell their products.

All in all I am just curious on your take. I just keep my mouth shut because they are adults and can do what they want, but it’s things like this that make me wish I would have gotten into Nutrition earlier in life and would have studied it in college instead of going to film school lol.

Chiropractors can be very good at musculoskeletal pain diagnosis and management, as this should be their skillset. Unfortunately, many chiropractors are not particularly good at this, offering little in the way of evidence based care.

Directly to your question, no, chiropractors are not licensed to provide medical care (as the term is commonly understood), nor do they have expertise in nutrition. Your MIL likely shares a different belief system than you, which is why she values the chiropractor’s input here. I do have concerns over misdiagnoses and mismanagement by seeing a chiropractor for the issues you listed here rather than a physician.

Lots of people sell stuff on social media. Some are the typical snake-oil salesmen and others are responding to market forces that push them towards using that platform. I don’t put much stock in that, but I do think we can judge a healthcare professional based on their actions. This one is bad, if what you say is true.

Hello. Does anyone know if chiropractors can give nutritional advice to their patients?