I’m a little confused on BBM’s stance when it comes to chiropractors. I always believed it was alternative medicine, complete pseudo science, but I noticed one of your coaches is a chiropractor. I believe you once explained this, but I couldn’t find that particular bit of information. I’d like to be educated on the subject, as my current binary thought that it’s nonsense doesn’t seem to be accurate.
This is indeed a complex topic.
“Chiropractic” is often conflated with spinal manipulative therapy as the same thing; they are not. One is a profession, the other is an intervention. In general, we do not advocate SMT for treatment of musculoskeletal pain or for any other medical issue.
As a profession, it is similarly complex; many chiropractic schools incorporate unsupported, pseudoscientific ideas into their curriculum. Of course, we similarly do not advocate for these, either.
However, going through chiropractic training and obtaining licensure does confer the ability to see and manage patients directly & independently, in which case a clinician may practice in whatever way they choose. The chiropractor on our staff practices in accordance with the best available evidence on the management of musculoskeletal pain – which is in line with everything we advocate for – he does not routinely perform or recommend manipulative therapy or other non-evidence based modalities to his patients. Of course, this puts him in extremely rare company. We still share a general skepticism about most Chiropractors and chiropractic clinics out there, but are fortunate to have mentored Dr. Clowser for many years prior to his education, and subsequently recruited him to work with us in a way that is in line with our viewpoints and practice patterns.
Hopefully this makes sense.
Thanks for the reply Dr. Baraki. With the risk of sounding rude, why would one use the label chiropractor knowing the stigma surrounding the education/science? I would imagine there’s a better qualifier for those using evidence based musculoskeletal pain management.
Not a rude question, but one that I’m not really able to answer myself here. I do understand what you’re getting at, of course.
Im really having problem with my neck and backpain. Please recommend a good Chiropractor please