Deep in the off season (1 year out maybe) an athlete as I believe (especially beginners and intermediates, 0-6 years of training) should focus on developing a “general base” (GPP) in other words
A lot of hypertrophy training using variations of main lifts. Increasing specificity over time as meet is approaching.
A quick example
Doing your bench press only TNG (or mostly) and gradually adding more paused work
Doing sets of 10 for a while, decreasing slowly to sets of 8/6 and and so on
Doing your non comp grip and slowly adding more comp grip work etc (changing all of this stuff with each mesocycle perhaps)
Do you guys think that this is a reasonable approach? Do you think that the example i provided is alright, i am planning to do my off season work in this fashion, thank you.
(I am a beginner with 1.5 years of serious strength training just for some context)