Hey there.
I’ve been vegan since 2015 and I’ve been training strength on and off for a little over a year. I finished a linear progression and am currently running the bridge. I’ve been considering experimenting for a short period with an omni diet to see how it impacts some GI issues I’ve been having from such a complex diet as well as brain fog and fatigue, and was wondering what the minimum time frame for such a trial run would be. I’ll base future diet off of that. I’ve been vegan solely for moral reasons in regards to eating animals, not environmental or health reasons, so we don’t need to go there. I’m thinking about trying only grass fed beef and free range eggs for the bulk of my protein intake with some whey thrown in.
Also, does anyone have sources on the human impact tof plants vs animals for food?
I didn’t realize the omni diet was a specific thing. I was just referring to eating meat again
Hey JonWade,
Thanks for the post and for joining us here 
For our readers who are unfamiliar with the Omni Diet, here is a link: Omni Diet Review: What You Can Eat and What to Expect
For your question, it is not possible to accurately evaluate how a diet influences “brain fog” and “fatigue” as both of those are far too vague and are lacking in objective diagnostic criteria that can be compared pre and post intervention. 'They" also change over time regardless of what you’re eating.
I’m not sure what you’re asking for about the human impact of plants vs animals for food. Do you mean the impact of humans on the planet for sourcing food from either plants or animals or the impact of plant-only vs. omnivorous diets on human health? Or neither?
I didn’t even know that was a specific diet! I just meant eating meat and dairy again for a short period.
What I’m hoping for is just better overall results from the bioavailability of the protein. I feel like the sheer amount of food I have to eat as a vegan to make up for the protein sources being garbage is too taxing on my system.
As far as human cost Im looking more for info on labor. I’ve heard that working conditions/exploitation are absolutely atrocious when it comes to a lot of our internationally sourced grains. Literally the only thing holding me back from reverting to a regular diet is the moral side of things, so if it turns out that a vegan diet is more harmful to human and non human animals, I’d switch over fully.
I don’t know if I could say that a vegan diet is more harmful to humans and animals vs. other food sources, but I do think it’s highly unlikely that vegan sourced food is markedly “better” in that regard.