Outside Thigh Pain

I’ve been dealing with this for almost 6 months now, with some days worse than others. Originally, I kept referring to it was hip pain, but it seems to be more like the outside of my thigh. I don’t think its my IT band as it doesn’t run up and down my leg, but instead is pretty isolated.

I can’t seem to identify what triggered the pain initially. We moved into a new house, moving the garage gym from one house to another. I took a couple weeks off and lost some weight (inadvertently). As training picked back up, the pain appeared out of nowhere. I’ve tried to work around it. I’ve tried different squat variants, tried different intensity/volume/loading/etc. Some days are better than others.

Starting out, bodyweight squats are ok as is squatting with the bar. As the load increases, I feel a stabbing pain. Deadlifts can also trigger it when setting up/getting into position, but isn’t as bad. I’ve resorted to taking ibuprofen several times. The pain doesn’t always subside and can linger with a dull ache that gets worse with some movement (IE: stairs). Sometimes the dull pain is exacerbated when I lay down and I have a hard time sleeping.

I’ve attached a random anatomy diagram from Google and drew a yellow circle approximately where the pain is occurring. I can share a video of squatting or deadlifting if helpful. I’ve been to chiropractors, “corrective exercise” people, and physical therapists in the past for other issues and found it largely to be a waste of my time/money. However, at this point, I am starting to get desperate for a solution. I have a meet 12/16 that I’d like to keep training for (without pain). Any help/advice/feedback is appreciated.

Thanks in advance