Sorry this is so long winded,
A little about me:
39yr – Male
6’0 tall
38.5" waist (most of my fat is in my belly, can get in 34" jeans, but 36" is more comfortable)
20% BF or so (according to InBody Analyzer @ local supplement shop)
Been lifting on and off for 20 years. All body building style programs. Never trained for strength.
Medical History:
Current High cholesterol - about 220 total with about 160 LDL and 40 HDL (somewhere in there. I do not have my latest blood work with me. I know my bad cholesterol is way higher than it should be)
Blood pressure is close to high - mostly 120-125/ 75-80
Currently taking 40MG of Atorvastatin daily
Had a Laminectomy in 2010 between L5-S1. Horrible sciatic pain down right leg prior to surgery. Problems on and off since, but seems to be getting better since actually lifting heavy. Not much disc material left from what I can see on last MRI (2 years ago). Very dark compared to other discs.
Feels like I am about to end NLP in the next week or so.
Current lifts
3x5 numbers:
Squats - 290lb (got up to 310 but failed @315, currently resetting)
DL - 295lb (1x5) (got to 305 but failed @310, resetted to 275)
Bench - 270lbs
OHP - 167.5lbs
Current MAcros:
175 to 200 protein
300 to 400 Carbs
70 to 90 Fat
Havent been too diligent lately since starting NLP
Considering the Bridge as my first Intermediate Program
Goals moving forward:
No current plans to compete. Want to get stronger for general health and look as good as I can for a man soon to be 40.
1 - Would dropping to 200 and hopefully cutting a few inches off my gut be recommended while on the bridge and trying to improve my lifts? Would this help the Cholesterol issue or am I just out of luck and having to stick with meds from now on? Or would it be better to only lose 10lbs?
2- I currently have at max 1.5 hours to train (early morning) M - F and the occasional Sat or Sunday depending on Kids activities - What program would be recommended?
3 - -Recently on squats and DL, there has been what seems to be muscle spasms (i think) on the right side of my spine (lower back), that has prevented me from hitting reps. I think I am strong enough to hit the reps, but severe sharp pains hit. BEst way to describe it is, on the DL, when I set the weight down, let go of the bar, and stand up, I get caught half way to standing up and have to inch my way up before I can stand up all of the way. Once I can stand up completely, after a few seconds, I can move around again and the pain stops. very weird. Happened before 6 weeks ago, but went away when I had a reset. Just started happening again 2 weeks ago. Luckily at a higher weight than before. Any Idea on what could be causing this?
Thank you for your patience and time! If there is anything else you need to know, please let me know!