I’m an intermediate lifter (~6 years lifting, S/B/D - 400/315/495) and have been spinning my wheels with training for the last couple years. Was able to rehab some nagging hip/lower back pains by educating myself through your content. I’ve never really run a structured program before and I’m looking to run the Powerlifting II template to make some gains after stalling for so long.
However, I’m still struggling with some recurring pec tendon pain near my armpit with benching (happens every time I push intensity and start training heavy triples/doubles). I’ve found some movements that do not inflame it (pin presses, close grip incline and light tempo bench) and have been training those. Wondering if I can still run the powerlifting II template but modify the bench portion so I can continue training pain free? Or should I focus on rehabbing the pain, get back to benching and run the template the way it is intended?