Hi, i’m coming to you for advice on how to treat a recent knee pain / injury.
i’m currently 12 months post-op from MPFL reconstruciton to correct a moderate trochelar dysplasia (i.e looking to avoid repeated patella luxations), i went througth months of regular PT sessions and a modified version of the Knee Rehab program and i’m now running SS LP 2x week. We can consider that my rehab have been succesfully completed and my lower body strength is maintained.
Recently, i restarted training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu at home with a family member and yesterday, during a roll, i felt my patella popping slightly out of place and coming back, very similary to the luxations i suffered before the surgery but still quite minor in comparassion.
How can i tell if i indeed suffered a subluxation or if it was something else ? (would an MRI help ?) More importantly how should i behave now considering my goal is to keep training ? Should i use the RICE protocol for a few days ? As of today, i don’t feel pain but i’m very apprehensive to bend my knee past 30° and more so to restart my training routine, i can’t tell if it’s due to a recognition of actual symptoms foreseeing a knee luxation as it happened to me before or if it’s more psychological than anything else. I’ve read an article by Dr. Austin Baraki about how to treat injuries that inspired me to do 3x10 air squats and so far it went well so i’m planning to ramp up progressively.
PS : I live in France and due to the COVID-19 epidemic hospital saturation i’m not sure i would have access to proper medical care in case of an orthopedic emergency.
Looking forward to your advice.