Hey guys, I have been dealing on and off with patellar tendonitis for the past year which of course affects my powerlifting training. There are strategies I’ve come to realize like using tempos, even extreme tempos to warm up which seem to help. Other days I have absolutely 0 pain.
Last couple of weeks pain has been almost 10/10. Cant even sit on the toilet without using my arms. The only thing I can affect that decreases pain substancially is ROM, basically quarter squats so I have been doing BW quarter squats. Everything full ROM hurts, even bodyweight.
I don’t freak out about this things at all but I was hoping you’ve got some suggestions since I haven’t been able to squat in 2 weeks and I’d wanna get back under the bar as soon as possible. Also, go to the bathroom like a normal person would be nice. Also, does humidity affect tendon pain?