Hi Jordan and Austin,
Ive been suffering with Patella tendonitis (Left knee) for about 6 months on and off, but over the past month or two my pain has increased a lot. Ive been trying to manage this by trying to fix my squat form, by attempting to prevent knee slide at the bottom of my squat. Do you have any advice how I can rehabilitate this problem? because its effecting my ability to train for rugby to the point where I think I may need total rest.
The first time i noticed this was towards the end of my LP (December) where I lost tightness on my last set of 5 with 160kg and heard a slight pop. This didn’t cause any pain or discomfort until the next training session. I then lowered the weight to correct form and work my way back up over a few weeks (this seemed to have corrected the problem). I have since managed my training as mentioned to correct my form but this has since stopped working. The last thing I want to do is stop training but Im not squatting at the moment (just deadlifts and the upper body lifts) because of the pain. Ive detrained a lot which is extremely frustrating because my LP was hard af. Ive been doing some eccentric only SL squats and isometrics to help but again I’m not seeing improvement.
I also seem to have a bump on the tendon which I assume is just swelling but seems fibrous to touch?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.