So i’ve just got through week 1 on the bridge. I enjoyed it and the extra movements were a welcome change after SSNLP. I decided to finish up LP due to stalling and regressing on lifts. My Squat was at 110kg 3x5 finishing LP with form some form breakdown. I pretty much used the belt for everything on SSNLP bar the chins. When doing the pause squats and tempo squat beltless i could only get to around 60kg, but the days after i was rather sore. I guess from my body not being used to these moves yet. Is this difference in weight ok and normal? Just learning RPE and dont want to fall on the side of not pushing hard enough. Also, doing the lifts beltless my lower back feels it alot more. I suppose this is from doing everything on SSNLP with the belt.
You should adapt to the novel training stimuli fairly quickly. I wouldn’t worry about it - just aim to hit the prescribed RPEs.
Thanks and great work at the weekend.