Paused bench vs. Spoto bench

How do you properly perform the 2 and 3ct pause bench? How much weight should you be bearing at the bottom (pause) by your chest? Should your chest bear 0% of the weight and it is barely touching? Or is it okay to have a very slight relax and take on 10-20% of the weight onto your chest? The variation that seems close is a Spoto bench where the bar weight is held at 100% with no bearing on the chest (yes, it is about 1" off the chest but the same idea could be applied to just barely, barely touching the chest in a pause). This question came up between my wife and I due to the challenges (?) the breasts impose. Can you speak any on the differences/nuances women face in being judged for bench?

I am unfamiliar with competition. I have heard some (all?) Federations will require a touch and/or pause. It seems like you can/should never use the spring of your rib cage to help out (nor would you really want to). But it seems like there is still some room for qualitative assessment by the judges on how the bar does get going in the vertical direction. Is one hard and fast rule that the bar can not go lower after the pause i.e. at that point it cannot be let down into rib cage for a little bounce?

Thanks for the clarification on how to properly perform a pause ct bench and any differences between men and women.

How do you properly perform the 2 and 3ct pause bench?

By pausing the bar for “x” counts/seconds before initiating the press.

How much weight should you be bearing at the bottom (pause) by your chest?

This is going to be highly dependent on the individual. Some people perform well with a very soft touch, while others do well with more of a “sink and heave” technique. There’s obviously a spectrum between those two extremes, so find a balance that works for you.

This question came up between my wife and I due to the challenges (?) the breasts impose. Can you speak any on the differences/nuances women face in being judged for bench?

Men and women are judged to the same standards in competition. I’m not a woman, but I’m sure that there are some unique technique considerations based on having breasts and breast size. Not to be crass, but Marisa Inda (elite female IPF llifter) is objectively well endowed and if I recall correctly has made at least one video for Juggernaut about female-specific bench tips. Something like that or advice from a female lifter that uses this forum would be a better resource than me on that topic.

I am unfamiliar with competition. I have heard some (all?) Federations will require a touch and/or pause. It seems like you can/should never use the spring of your rib cage to help out (nor would you really want to). But it seems like there is still some room for qualitative assessment by the judges on how the bar does get going in the vertical direction. Is one hard and fast rule that the bar can not go lower after the pause i.e. at that point it cannot be let down into rib cage for a little bounce?

Each federation has slightly different bench rules, but all require the lifter to bring the bar to their chest and wait for the “press” command before initiating the concentric portion of the lift. This necessitates a pause, but the duration of the pause will be highly dependent on the fed/head judge. Some feds have a reputation for long pauses while others are generally less strict. You are correct that there is a rule that the bar cannot have any downward motion after the “press” command is given. This is a caveat to using too much of a “sink and heave” technique that I mentioned previously.


Awesome, thank you! I guess it comes down to personal preference to some extent. However, what do you think about time under tension? Obviously a Spoto bench or touch and hold bearing nearly 100% of bar weight would significantly increase time under tension. Maybe these all end up being different exercises with different goals… Seems like the BB Med guys always come back to “train what you are trying to do…you will get good at X if you do X”. Thoughts? And we will check out more female specific resources!

Again, thanks Nate! Good insight on volume vs. TUT. Seems like an easier hedge for strength than the smaller gains that may be made by such a slight increase I may have been suggesting for a touch N go or Spoto to be slightly better. But what about Spoto + volume?? Just kidding. Thank you.