First post within the BBM realm. Really excited so far to see what this community has come to be. I just wanted to share my story and let you know that I plan to be active here.
Current stats…
age: 42
ht: 5’10"
wt: 218 (188 back in November)
I had heavy lifting experience when I was back in HS and had some pretty decent numbers as a 17yo.
My max (1rep) lifts back then:
bodyweight: 220
squat: 525 (high bar, most likely knee wraps, true depth is unkown)
deadlift: 485 (I know, kinda odd that my squat was higher, but I think it was due to fact I don’t remember that we deadlifted very much)
bench: 295
I got back into lifting after about 20 years due to the fact my son is 12 and had been asking about him want to do some lifting. I started reading more of current state of technique and training methods. I kept coming across mentions of Starting Strength and Mark Rippetoe. I got the book and started the SSLP program.
I visited with a SSC early on back in November to work on correcting some form and I had continuous communication and sharing of videos along the way. I had a recent visit to run through all the lifts again checking on form and there were a few tweaks, but I feel like form is very good now.
I ran NLP from late October to this past week and have moved to Bridge 1.0
Here were my max working sets when I finished NLP (starting weights in parentheses):
squat - 330 3x5 (150)
deadlift - 360 1x5 (170)
bench - 211 3x5 (135)
press - 131 3x5 (65)
power clean - 147 5x3 (100)
Original log started over at SS forums
Week 1, Day1 (2018-03-21)
- For the first few sessions, I am going to post all sets, including warmups to help give information and explanations for RPE sets.
- Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5 x3
255x5 @5.5? (4min rest)
270x5 @6.5?
295x5 @7.5? (definitely was taxing, but felt like I could get 3 more)
E1RM 365
- This seems like what I would guess I could hit for a single, possibly a shade low. For the first time doing RPE estimates, felt pretty good about it. Overall, probably was a bit conservative on my numbers, but seems decent for first experience with RPE.
- Bench, Close Grip: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9) 45x5 x2
165x4 (felt like @6.5, so decided to make this last warmup)
175x4 @7
190x4 @7.5?
200x4 @8
E1RM 238
-So, since I hit only a @8 on last set, should I have stopped or done another set? I haven’t done Close grip bench in recent memory, so I have to figure the RPE out a bit more for this lift. I did like it though.
- Rack Pull, Mid Shin: (7@6, 7@7, 7@8) 45x7
185x7 @6-6.5? (This was supposed to be a warmup, but lower back felt really tight on last two reps. )
195x7 @6.5? (wasn’t as taxing on last couple reps as first set, could definitely do 3-5 more)
225x7 @7.5?
E1RM 300
-First time doing rack pulls. My rack support arms don’t go low enough where I can use the floor and be positioned corrected mid shin. I needed to stand on bumper plates to get correct shin height. Not ideal and want to build a platform for future lifts. My take is that I was a bit conservative with these numbers based on the fact I felt really tight at 185 warmup. Next time I will be more prepared to put on heavier weights that seem to make more sense of estimated 1RM.
First Bridge and RPE style workout completed. On to more!
Week 1, Day3 (2018-03-24
- For the first few sessions, I am going to post all sets, including warmups to help give information and explanations for RPE sets.
- Squat, 2ct Pause: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9) 45x5 x2
225x4 @6.5? (Started to feel taxing, but probably could do 4-5 more. Decided to make this a warmup set after 265lb effort)
250x4 @8
265x4 @8-8.5? (Felt like I had 2-3 more in me, decided to make this 2nd working set make 225 warmup)
280x4 @9 (definitely more accurate @9)
E1RM 325
- So, this was the first instance of modifying working sets as I went and gauged the RPE better.
- Press: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5 x2
110x5 @6-6.5? (Overall, felt pretty good with this rating)
117x5 @7.5-8?
122x4 @8.5? (Form started slightly to struggle, need to keep tighter vert path on bar.
E1RM 145
-I believe I judged pretty accurately with the press, will see how next press session goes.
- Barbell Row, Supine: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8) 65x8 (have 10lb bumper plates)
115x8 @6-6.5?
125x8 @7.5
135x8 @8
135x8 @8
E1RM 180
-I haven’t done many workouts with BB Rows and I am still focusing on tight form, so I probably was a bit low in my weight numbers and RPE estimates.
Week 1, Day4 (2018-03-25)
- For the first few sessions, I am going to post all sets, including warmups to help give information and explanations for RPE sets.
- Chin Ups 7min AMRAP 0x3 reps
-I haven’t done chins in several weeks due to elbow pain. The pain has slowly getting better and I have adjusted how I grip on squat. Hopefully able to add more chin reps over time
- Ab Work 7min 5 min continuous planks, alternating between standard and 1elbow side planks.
2 min continuous plank
- Not bad, but would like to see this get better
- 25 min cardio @6 25min incline treadmill @4.0 mph, ramped up to 8% degrees and adjusted % to stay at 140bpm
Added 20 min treadmill @3.5 mph, no incline because I wanted to finish watching a show 
Week 1, Day5 (2018-03-26)
- For the first few sessions, I am going to post all sets, including warmups to help give information and explanations for RPE sets.
- Deadlift w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 65x5
275x5 @5.5-6 (thought this might have been first set, but decided to bump up and make this a warmup)
290x5 @6 (felt pretty easy like the 275lb and comfortable calling this @6)
315x5 @7.5-8 (right hand callous was hurting and distracting)
325x5 @8 (Felt like could get 2 more easy, probably 3. adjusted grip to avoid issues with callous)
E1RM 395
- The estimated max is my guess about right now and I was happy with how the session went with first time doing deadlift and RPE
- Bench, 1ct pause: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8) 45x5 x2
175x5 @7 (was going to make this last warmup but felt like @7, so I overshot a bit)
185x5 @7.5-8?
190x5 @8.5
E1RM 225
-Should have been more conservative with weight numbers. Haven’t done 1ct pause recently and it obviously increases the effort
- Squat, 3-0-3 Tempo: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8) 45x8 x2
135x8 (screwed up and did a second set at 135!)
185x8 @7.5-8 (last two reps really tight on lower back and was getting gassed)
170x8 @8 (bumped weight down and still was fighting fatigue on last couple reps)
170x8 @8
E1RM 225
-As others have mentioned, these really gas you. Also mentally challenging to keep the tempo and remember rep count. I would like to have my son watch me and count out the tempo next time to see if I was being accurate with my internal clock.
Week 2, Day1 (2018-03-29)
- For the first few sessions, I am going to post all sets, including warmups to help give information and explanations for RPE sets.
- Squat w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8 x3) 45x5 x3
265x5 @6 (5min rest on all worksets)
285x5 @7-7.5?
300x5 @7.5-8? (definitely could do 2 more, maybe squeeze 3 out)
315x5 @8 (definitely good for 2 more, not sure about 3, @8 seems right)
315x5 @8-8.5 (form started to waver a bit, but video shows good depth)
E1RM 384
- Seemed to be less conservative on my numbers from week1 and still felt like I met the goals of the RPE targets.
- Bench, Close Grip: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9 x2) 45x5 x3
185x4 @7
205x4 @8
220x4 @10! (overshot as I could barely get last rep)
210x4 @9.5
E1RM 238
-I messed up and went to quickly to 220 as I thought that was doable based on last weeks numbers. I overestimated. I’m still learning!
- Rack Pull, Mid Shin: (7@6, 7@7, 7@8 x2) 45x7
205x7 @6 (pretty easy)
235x7 @6.5-7?
260x7 @7
275x7 @7 (still need to dial this in)
-I stood on set of plastic step aerobics unit and this was ok. Still want to build a more solid platform.
Week 2, Day3 (2018-03-31
- Squat, 2ct Pause: (4@7, 4@8, 4@9 x2) 45x5 x2
225x4 @6.5-7
250x4 @8 (seems accurate
265x4 @8.5 (felt good, slight bump to 270 on last set)
270x4 @8.5-9 (definitley good for 1 more
- My numbers lower than previous session with 2ct pause. I just felt a bit sluggish warming up and felt stronger at the end.
- Press: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8 x4) 45x5 x2
110x5 @6
115x5 @7
115x5 @8 (forgot to put belt on up until this set. also realized i had thought I put 120 on , but only had 115
115x5 @8
120x5 @8
120x5 @8.5
E1RM 146
- Barbell Row, Supine: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x3) 65x8
120x8 @6
135x8 @7
140x8 @8
145x8 @8
145x8 @8
Week 2, Day4 (2018-04-01)
- Chin Ups 7min AMRAP 0x3 reps
-Right elbow still very tender. Did some hangs, negative chins and assisted chins
- Ab Work 7min 5 min continuous planks, alternating between standard and 1elbow side planks.
2 min continuous plank
- Not bad, but would like to see this get better
- 25 min cardio @6 25min incline treadmill @4.0 mph, ramped up to 8% degrees and adjusted % to stay at 135bpm
Week 2, Day5 (2018-04-02)
- Deadlift w/ belt: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8 x3) 65x5
295x5 @6.5?
315x5 @7.5
330x5 @8 (Left hand callous issues. Def able to get 2 more. slightly short of breath during entire set, maybe belt too tight)
330x5 @8 (adjusted belt, not as short of breath. def get 2 more)
330x5 @8 (hands hurt, form felt good)
E1RM 407
- The estimated max seems ok, but realizing I did 365x5 (probably at @9) a couple weeks ago, this should be more accurately at 430. I am going to adjust next deadlift session to increase the weights and see how my RPE feels
- Bench, 1ct pause: (5@6, 5@7, 5@8 x4) 45x5 x2
165x5 @6 (pretty easy, good @6)
175x5 @7
185x5 @8
185x5 @8
185x5 @8
190x5 @8 (was thinking of increasing to 190 earlier in worksets, but just wanted to let it play out. pretty sure I could get 2 more)
E1RM 235
- Squat, 3-0-3 Tempo: (8@6, 8@7, 8@8 x2) 45x8 x2
155x8 @6 (better than last week dialing in the @)
165x8 @6.5-7?
175x8 @7.5
185x8 @8 (not as winded this session. weight isn’t as taxing. prob can increase 10% across sets next time)