Daniel's Training log

Hi guys!

After lurking SS and BBM forums for a long time I decided to start logging my training just for fun.
I finished the lp 1 year ago with a 155kg 3x5, squat a 170kg 1x5 deadlift, a 100kg 3x5 bench and 65kg 3x5 press.
After that I kinda got bored and started weightlifting at college. It was fun for a while. I received programming from the coach there, but i didn’t make any progress except on the olympic lifts, and not increasing my squat was frustrating.
So here I am, after a 2 week vacation ready to do a lp for 2-3 weeks to regain my numbers. Currently planning to start the bridge after that. Also planning to cut some weight, as i recently measured a 40,5 inches waist.

Current stats: 176cm, 104kg.

Last session: 1. 120kg 5x3 squat
2. 55kg 5x3 press
3. 140kg 5x1 deadlift

Monday 4/2/19

Got sick for a week. As the weights were light, just maintained the squat, deloaded the press a little and increased slightly the deadlift. Went by feel.
The Weights felt light, however, I was out of breath after every set.

  1. 120kg 5x3 squat
  2. 80kg 5x3 bench press
  3. 145kg 5x1 deadlift

Friday 8/2/19

Weight: 102 kg, waist: 40 inches

  1. 125kg 5x3 squat
  2. 55kg 5x3 press
  3. 150kg 5x1 deadlift Feeling better already, Squat felt light and fast. Same with the press. Deadlift felt as usual.

Weight-loss coming along nicely.

Tuesday 12/2/19

  1. 130kg 5x3 squat
  2. 85kg 5x3 bench press
  3. 155kg 5x1 deadlift everything getting easier :). Also been high-barring the last workouts.

Friday 15/2/19

  1. 135kg 5x3 squat
  2. 60kg 5x3 press
  3. 160kg 5x1 deadlift

Monday 18/2/19

  1. 140kg 5x3 squat
  2. 90k0 5x3 bench press
  3. 165kg 5x1 deadlift

Wednesday 20/2/19

  1. 142,5 kg 5x3 squat
  2. 62,5 kg 5x3 press
  3. 170 kg 5x1 deadlift Felt tired. jumping 2,5kg on everything but the deadlift.

First time doing DL with a belt and it felt heavy as fuuuck. However lower back felt less tight afterwards. Also changing DL frequency to once every two workouts.

Friday 22/2/19

  1. 145 kg 5x3 squat
  2. 92,5 kg 5x3 bench press
  3. 70 kg 3x5 power clean feeeeelin gooood

lots of thing happening at the same time. Managed to get a weightlifting workout done.
Wanted to log weight loss progression:

Weight: 101kg
Waist: 40 inches.

First day of the brige:

Waist: 39,5 in

squat with belt: 120 x 5 @ 6, 126 x 5 @ 7, 132 x 5 @ 8.
Close grip bench: 80 x 4 @ 7, 86 x 4 @ 8, 92 x 4 @9
Rack pulls: 120 x 7 @6, 126 x 7 @7 132 x 7 @ 8

first day training after 2+ weeks and getting sick. Felt like shit.

Haven’t been postin. Busy with collge n stuff. Started week 1 again, cos i halfassed it the first time.

Tuesday 19/3:

Squat with belt: 130 x 5 @ 6, 136 x 5 @ 7, 142 x 5 @8
Close grip bench: 85 x 4 @ 7, 90 x 4 @ 8, 94 x 4 @ 9
Block pulls: (I fucked up my blocks so did beltless conventional deadlift instead :confused: ) 120 x 7 @6, 125 x 7 @7, 130 x 7 @ 8

Thursday 21/3:

Paused Squat: 126 x 4 @ 6, 132 x 4 @ 7, 136 x 4 @ 8
Press with belt: 58 x 5 @ 6, 60 x 5 @ 7, 63 x 5 @ 8
Barbell rows: 75 x 8 @ 6, 78 x 8 @7 , 80 x 8 @ 8 x 2

Saturday 23/ 3: (couldn’t use the gym), doing day 3 tomorrow.

Chin ups:

  1. BW AMRAPx2 (4,2)
  2. Negatives at 0-0-3 x5x3

Sunday 24/3

weight : 100.5 kg
waist: 39 in

Deadlift w/ belt 145 x 5 @ 6, 150 x 5 @ 7, 155 x 5 @ 8
Paused Bench 1 ct: 85 x5 @6, 90 @7, 93 @8
Tempo squat 3-0-3: 100 x 8 @6, 105 x 8 @7, 110 x 5 @8.

Second week of the bridge:


Waist: 39 in

squat with belt: 135 x 5 @ 6, 140 x 5 @ 7, 145 x 5 @ 8.x 3
Close grip bench: 85 x 4 @ 7, 90 x 4 @ 8, 95 x 4 @9 x 2
Deadlift: 120 x 7 @6, 125 x 7 @7 130 x 7 @ 8 x 2

Should probably get some blocks for the rack pulls

Friday 29/3:

Paused Squat: 125 x 4 @ 6, 130 x 4 @ 7, 135 x 4 @ 8 x 2
Press with belt: 55 x 5 @ 6, 68 x 5 @ 7, 60 x 5 @ 8 x 4
Barbell rows: 75 x 8 @ 6, 78 x 8 @7 , 80 x 8 @ 8 x 3

GPP Saturday 30/3

7 min capped chin ups, bicep curls

Monday 1/4

Deadlift w/belt 140 x5 @6 150 x 5 @7 155 x 5 @8 x 3
Paused bench 1sec 80 x 5 @6, 85 x 5 @7, 90 x 5 @8 x 4
Tempo squat 3-0-3: 100 x 8 @6, 105 x 8 @7, 110 x 8 @8 x 2

Thursday 4/4

Weight: 100kg
Waist: 38.7 inches

Squat with belt: 135 x 5 @ 6, 140 x 5 @ 7, 147 x 5 @ 8.x 3
Close grip bench: 85 x 4 @ 7, 90 x 4 @ 8, 95 x 4 @9 x 2
Rackpulls mid-shin (some were touch and go) 140 x 7 @7, 150 x 7 @8 160 x 7 @ 9 x 2

Saturday 6/4

Paused Squat: 130 x 4 @ 7, 135 x 4 @ 8, 140 x 4 @ 9 x 3
Press with belt: 58 x 5 @ 6, 60 x 5 @ 7, 62 x 5 @ 8 x 4
Barbell rows: 75 x 8 @ 6, 80 x 8 @7 , 85 x 8 @ 8 x 3

Sunday 7/4

Gpp day. 7min capped chinups, curls
22 min treadmill walk 5% incline 5 kmh

Tuesday 9/4

Deadlift w/belt 147 x5 @6 155 x 5 @7 160 x 5 @8 x 3
Paused bench 1sec(paused for 2 counts) 85 x 5 @6, 90 x 5 @7, 93 x 5 @8 x 4
Tempo squat 3-0-3: 105 x 8 @7, 110 x 8 @8, 115 x 8 @9 x 2

Those tempo squats made me feel like shit.

Well, this past two weeks have been pretty turbulent. Dropped the bridge, lost 2kg and some strength.

However, now i have a clearer picture of what i want to do. Im training for the oly nationals next year. Just got the oly template and im ready to go babyyy.
Planning to compete in the 102kg class. Looking for some numbers like 145 clean and jerk and a 110 snatch. My personal best have been a 105 power clean and power jerk and a 85 power snatch.
There is a lot of work to do technique-wise, but im pretty motivated and im sure i can hit those numbers this year.

Current stats: 38.2in waist, 98kg bw, 185kg squat. Clean and jerk: ??? Snatch: ???

Lol, its been a long time since i last posted. Lots of stuff has been happening and just this week i resumed trainin.
Lost 4kg more, currently weighting 94-95kg and with a 36.3 in waist.Max squat is probably around 175.
As i have lost tons of gainzz, i started a novice lp, but instead of doing the deadlift im doing powercleans and powersnatches. Somehow this week i managed to get a poweclean pr of 110kg.

The last 2 sessions have been:

Monday 20/5

Powerclean 98kg 3x5
Squat 135 5x3
OH press 63 5x3

Wednesday 22/5

Powersnatch 73kg 2x8
Squat 138 5x3
bench 82 5x5

Friday 24/5

Powerclean 100kg 3x5 (failed all reps at the last set)
Squat 143kg 5x3
Oh press 65kg 5x3

current weight 89kg waist: 34.5 in