About a year ago I experienced a very disabling low back pain whils DL. I was on very extended NLP and not making much of a progress. I was just starting to follow BBM more than SS but was not familiar with pain sience and injury rehabilitation ideas you promote. So because of the back pain, not knowing and other stuff in life I took a some 2 to 3 months off of lifting. Back pain persisted. As I consumed your content and found a new gym where to train, I started The Bridge and after that I was in the monthly group programming group for some 4 months and now I just finished 7 week, 4-day hypertrophy bias template.
As I trained trough the Bridge my LBP got way better. But there has since been a consistent flare ups at my left glute area. And in last two weeks it has gotten little worse as the pain actually has kept me awake for a couple of nights and it is present every day. Before this it has just been something that flare up occasionally and has gotten better after training. It just never has really “healed”… Now, because it is present all the time and actually radiating on the outside of my tight to the outside of my kneecap, and the whole leg feels stiff all the time plus some radiation to lower back and I have been gettin the good old LBP on the left side as well. I am little worried. I try not to catastrophize and actually hesitated to write here also because this is a “surrender” message that maybe I cant deal with this on my own. The pain is not so significant that I cannot function, I have not missed any work days or training days. But it is there all the time as a nagging shit.
There is no differ in pain at different ROMs or intensities nor volume. I do think that when I do “too much” in gym I get more pain after training.
I do think that I need some reasurance and help. ( I googled a little and some kind of a glute tendiopathy seems likely… ?) And even if not, I should still lift. And I actually would refuse not to lift. I love that shit.
So as I have now completed the 7 week hypertrophy template, I was thinking to go into the 12-week strength template but now with this shit getting little worse I’m a little hesitant about it.
I’m also starting my studies to become a Physical therapist in January so its a completely new stressor for me and with all of this I began to wonder if I should run something like the Time Crunch template or The Birdge or The Bridge 3.0 for a lower fatigue and stress in the gym?
Can you guys give some guidance?
About me:
I’m 29 yo
189cm tall
Also, english is not my first language so sorry if the text is somewhat difficult to read. It’s hard enough to write in my own language with my dyslexia
A first step, try regulating external loading of provocative movements and see if symptoms improve. The caveat, symptoms will be a part of the process but what matters is being able to train with tolerable symptoms and not left feeling debilitated. If symptoms are becoming constant then it’s likely time to make modifications. You’d also likely benefit from a consult with us: Contact Us | Barbell Medicine.