Hello Drs.
My mother is 69 with a history of breast cancer and has been diagnosed with oligometastatic breast cancer. She had a lymphadenectomy recently, as well as a lumpectomy in the past, and does not show any current signs of disease. She had a pacemaker put in recently as well. She has been advised against more chemotherapy at this stage and is scheduled for 3 month PET scans to monitor her condition. She feels really good right now and has an interest in trying to improve her overall health with diet and exercise. She has a history of bariatric surgery as well and has been in otherwise good health. I was thinking some personalized coaching would be beneficial since she has never done any formal exercise training and that I might be able to set that up for her. I’m sure a consultation is always necessary but there is no reason to not exercise and was wondering the best way to set that up, since she might be a little intimidated if I just send her a link and ask her to set it up on her own.