Hi BB Med Crew,
How would you approach designing a pivot block that comes after the 4 day/wk hypertrophy template and before something like the 12 week strength template? Many of the things I would be doing on a pivot block (high bar 8’s, db Bench, etc) I was already doing in the hypertrophy block. As far as length, would you do 1 week of “pivot” programming and one intro (from say 12 wk strength template) week?
Thank you as always.
If this is your first time working through these templates, just move from one to the next, doing the intro week on the 12 week strength template.
Thank you very much for your response Leah.
I am actually not running the template exactly as written - I am a late-stage intermediate (I think?) with e1rm’s at 500/365/550 bw 181 and have made some modifications to them to address my weaknesses.
The heuristic I have generally followed is a pivot should be ~1/3 the length of the developmental block. Do you think a 1 week pivot where there is not much deviation with regard to specificity (which would be the case if I went from template to template as written) is appropriate in this scenario?