Strength/Hypertrophy Block Training

Hi All!

I have a theoretical question: I believe my potential to get stronger would increase not only with doing strength training, but implementing a short hypertrophy block every now and then to assist in the overall development, as well as to give my joints a rest every couple of months or so. I ran the 4 day TM for about 8 weeks which made my weight on the bar sky-rocket. Because of my work schedule, I had to adjust to something different for the subsequent 2 weeks, and I will now be starting the Hypertrophy biased template from this website.

After I am done with the 7 weeks, would it be possible to go back to the 4 day TM for another 8-10 weeks (adjusting week 1’s weights accordingly for the time off of that specific program), and then rotate between hypertrophy and the TM? I do enjoy the efficiency and simplicity of the TM, but I have a relatively slim frame overall, and would like to add some additional musclular mass through a short, hypertrophy biased training method.

Any theories or recommendations would be appreciated!

Thank you!

You are obviously welcome to give it a shot to see how it goes, but I suspect that after doing one of our higher volume training templates (during which you’ll probably get quite a bit stronger, if you responded robustly to TM), going back to a lower volume TM setup would likely only “work” via a temporary peaking effect. Repeatedly rotating back and forth over the long term is unlikely to continue providing continued improvement.

Thank you Austin!

Generally speaking, would running strength/hypertrophy blocks be most beneficial? I’m assuming using the 12 week strength block provided on the website would be a good starting point for a strength based program, correct?

Thank you again!
Particular Perkins

I’m not understanding the question here.

You’re asking whether running the 12 week strength block would be a good way to train for strength?

Sorry for the confusion. My question is this: would rotating between a strength block and hypertrophy block be most beneficial to long term progress (i.e. 1RM going up over the course of years)? Would a good example of a “strength block” be the (obvious) 12 week strength block provided on the BBM website, and a good example of a hypertrophy block be the 7 week Hypertrophy block on the BBM website?

Of course, the provided templates on the website are just that, templates, that (without a coach) I would adjust accordingly to my goals, correct?

I hope that clears up the confusion!

-Particular Perkins

That is certainly a reasonable approach. As you noted, thing will need adjustment over time on an individual basis, as you noted.