To reset my failed hypertrophy block or move back into strength specific?

So I am still working through the hypertrophy template. It was meant as a pivot block to give me a break from strength specific training for the past two years or so. I’d be almost done with it if I had been able to follow the program but life has gotten in the way. We had a second child in the beginning of December that has understandably played havoc on my training schedule. I’ve been able to get in the two competition days but the other days have been GPP at best. I am starting to be able to get into a normal routine again so my question is this. Should I reset and run through the hypertrophy plan as written or count my missteps and restarts of the hypertrophy program as a pivot in itself and start a strength program fresh. Again, my goal of the hypertrophy block wasn’t to gain size or “cut” but to shed some built up fatigue from the press template, bridge, and a few rounds of PH3.

There isn’t a “correct” answer here - given your stated goals and reasoning, you could do either and be fine. If you care most about strength development, you could certainly go back into a strength-focused block of training.

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Thanks for the insight. My goals are (thankfully) geared more towards strength improvements. Focusing on that has gone a long way in fixing a lot of my non training issues. I’ll hit up the hypertrophy program after this next run of the strength template. I may even try the oly template.