I found a bit of information here of you guys stating that leg press will help people with good morning pattern in their squat. I mistakenly changed what worked from 12 week strength and opted to do the RDL variation of weeks 7 to 9 instead of leg press. I slowly realized that the leg press was beneficial to my squat and my squat pattern was suffering. Two questions - would you recommend leg press 4 weeks out of a meet and will doing 4 weeks of RDLs beforehand justify removing SLDL in the last 4 weeks for leg presses?
Can you link me to where this was said? Seems like a pretty absolute statement for us to make…
I don’t think it matters much 4 weeks out from a meet and I’d probably do RDL or SLDL in Day 4’s 3rd slot UNLESS you really love leg press.