For a while, I would wake up in the middle of the night with an asthma attack, 2-4 days out of the week. My doctor prescribed my Advair and I have not waken up since. My ability to progress in SSLP has been a bit shaky, bench and OHP doesn’t seem to budge. If I increase calories and eat like Alan Thrall, I still stall on those two lifts (my form is pretty good), I also feel terrible and have lot of brain fog, and some digestion issues.
I am skinny fat, or as Dr.Feigenbaum says, under trained. There are some article that says the skinny fat individuals are insulin resistance, and sleep apnea has some relationship to insulin resistance.
I breath through my mouth when I sleep because my nose is way to stuffed up (I have a HEPA filter and I keep my room clean, I vacuum once a week and dust every other month we change the central air filter as it gets dirty), most of the mornings I wake up and it’s hard to get out of bed, I feel like I can sleep more but I cant go back to sleep, I have dry mouth, stuffed up, and sometimes have a headache, I have a hypo-allergic bed and pillow that is 2 years old, I also tried sleeping on a bed wedge but that did not work it, I use bioteine to help with dry mouth.
My doctor says I should take a sleep study if I still have asthma attacks while using Advair before going to bed but my sleep quality seems to be the same. I have lots of brain fog, irritability (enough anger to see a therapist), digestive issues (especially when eating high calories whole food that have minimum ingredients). All theses problems I have can be caused by sleep apnea (according to articles on google), but I don’t snore very loud, nor do I choke when I sleep, I have been told I make some weird noises and have sporadic breathing when I sleep.
Should I take a sleep study? I don’t have insurance and I can pay for it full price with no problem, but I would hate to take it and realize I check out fine.
I am 23, 6’4 Male
195lbs around 20 to 25% body fat.
215 x 1 Low Bar
225 x 1 Sumo (I know I know…)
110 x 3 x 3 OHP
160 x 3 x 3 Bench
Been Powerlifting since July ish.
95 low bar
135 sumo
75 OHP
135 bench
My nutrition is not a problem I dont think, I have talked to experienced people in person with an in dept explanation of my nutrition and they all say its good.
Sorry for a long post, but you guys are just oozing with awesomeness.