Power vs high velocity

Maybe a dumb question but what is the difference between the two?
Also how would you train them?
Like say someone wanted to get stronger but also competed in football or MMA. Would you just simply add in high velocity movements to the end of the workout or add it in for gpp?
And also what are exercises that a considered power vs high velocity?

High velocity strength is what most people call “power” when discussing fitness adaptations.

To improve high velocity strength, an individual should train the relevant muscle/muscle groups at high velocities through the range of motion(s) where increased force production is desired.

If someone was training for MMA or American Football and reasonably trained, I don’t think I’d relegate high velocity force production work to the end of the workout. If they’re newer to training, I’d have some high velocity work programmed during the main training work, some of it done fresh, and others done at the end. There are infinite exercises that would work here.

So would you say for most Football or MMA athletes they should focus on more high velocity lifts rather than maximum strength exercise? Or it’s it more of a balance?
And how would you prefer to train someone in those sports?

It’s more of a balance depending on the individual’s needs, training age, competition schedule, etc.

I am not willing to write an entire program in a forum post, but the general approach to programming for an athlete in one of these sports is no different than a non athlete.

Cool, Thannks Jordan!