Hey guys just wanted your take on this. I noticed (especially in combat sports) that some people seem to have this idea that getting stronger will make you slower. I understand doing low velocity lifts are not “the best” for high velocity training, but I wonder where this idea came from. Maybe it’s my inner (f’aves) (Rip) coming in but getting stronger doesn’t have much of a down side right?!?!
Seem to me people either have one of two answer for strength training .
1: getting stronger only makes you slower
2: smaller people are faster and their for strength doesn’t matter.
I do understand skill is above all but I could never understand where this idea came from.
I am not sure what logic (if any) they’re using, but you’d have to ask them. As a response to your statements:
- Getting stronger can make you slower in some cases where the programming is inappropriate for the individual’s response to that programming.
- Smaller people aren’t necessarily faster, as leverage and high velocity force production determine speed. A lighter individual with the same high velocity force production and leverage as a heavier individual would likely be faster though, sure.
I don’t think weighing less makes someone faster unless they are able to produce more amount of force at a given velocity than the heavier individual per unit mass. That’s typically not how this goes in other sports, as there are very agile, very fast athletes in many different sizes.