Powerlifting 2 Question


just purchased PL 2 and had a question/typo I was wanting clarification on.

weeks 8 and 9 - 2 ct paused squat day 3 and 2 ct paused DL day 3 have singles, sets of 3, and then sets of 4.

should this be 4@9 then 4s for back offs or 3@9 with 3s as back offs? I could see either but lean towards 4s because later it is 3’s.

other question - last few weeks pin bench has 1@8 then 2@9 - shouldn’t this be the same weight technically? 12 week strength has it too but I haven’t run it before so just wondering.

finally - week 12 Sq and DL - just checking that his is correct and intended in this order?

excited to start it in awhile, thanks!


Thanks for the post and the business :slight_smile:

  1. 2ct paused bench and paused DL are both correctly written. Do a single @ 8, a set of 3 @ 9, then sets of 4.
  2. The weight may be the same or it may not depending on your technical proficiency with singles.
  3. The squat and DL programming are correct on week 12 as well, yes.


Aweosme thanks for the clarification!