Hi BBM team,
In Hypertrophy 1, Exercise 3 on Days 2 and 3, the prescription is for a pressing movement at 70% e1RM x AMRAP x1 set; 63% e1RM x 12reps x 2-3 sets with 2-3 minutes rest. I find this prescription doesn’t agree with me and I keep getting injuries. Can u suggest a modification to replace this set and rep scheme please? Would something simple like 12 reps @6,7 & 8 RPE with 2-3min rest suffice (with a back off at -5% in the final 2 weeks of each block)?
Sure, that suggested substitution would work. You could even try keeping the RPE targets a bit lower (e.g., @6-7 for all sets) and see if you tolerate that better / experience fewer injuries and still respond to it. There will be some experimentation involved here.
Hi Austin,
I’m in the last week of Hypertrophy 1 and intend to run it again. When I re-start, would you advise reducing the arm and back GPP back down to 2 sets as per the template in the earlier weeks? Or should I continue with the larger volume that I’ve been doing in the later weeks of the template, e.g., 3 sets?