My current assistance exercises for the main lifts are pause squat and pause deadlift as the main assistance, with pendalay rows and SSB higher rep work as well. For press and bench I alternate assistance exercise on day 3 with 5x6 at RPE6-7 of either bench or press.
At what point does it make sense to change the assistance exercises? Is keeping it fresh a reason to go from a pause variation to a deficit deadlift or pin squats or is it a time based for best results? Also, how often should I be swapping in overload work with chains/slingshot? Is there a minimum set period of time I should stick with a specific assistance…say 4 weeks for best results?
My goals are overall strength gains but not a specific target in mind and I have no plans of competing or even attempting RPE10 singles. Right now lifts are all continuing to go up periodically, including assistance lifts.