Question: Where/when do you begin to tweak training elements when you notice fatigue is high?
I’m running the Hypertrophy I template. I’m completing the 3 lifting days as prescribed, but I do BJJ (brazilian jiu jitsu) as GPP instead of the prescribed GPP. I am noticeably very sore after Day 1 lifting session even though I’m relatively confident that I am not overshooting RPE from an RIR perspective. I am somewhat untrained in BJJ (back after long layoff), but not new to BBM programming. I ran the General S&C template, then did my own programming leading up until now where I’m on week 4 of Hypertrophy I. Sleep is ok - not great, not bad. Life stress is medium.
I am guessing there is some interference from BJJ, but didn’t think it would be this significant. I have already contacted my PCP regarding sleep stuff. Until then though, I’m wondering if it would be reasonable to decrease RPE points for some of the main lifts.
Thanks in advance,