Hello, I’d like to ask you some things about this template cause I’m thinking about purchasing it.
Can this template be done using only adjustable dumbbells (in case gyms close cause of covid) ?
Does it educate around managing low back pain only with weight training, meaning that I won’t find any use of it If i don’t lift weights?
Also, another thing to mention, is there another way low back pain can be treated without using load management, fatigue, intensity regulation?
Can passive methods like acupuncture, massage etc. be beneficial for someone who, not only wants to feel no pain in everyday activities but to get back to lifting heavy weights also?
Could this be run simultaneously with knee rehab template or you suggest I do one first and then the other?(i can’t choose the consultation cause I don’t think I can afford it -student, you see hahah-)
Thanks for your time!
Hey GiannisKa - thanks for considering the LBP template. Yes, the movements can be scaled to tolerance with adjustable dumbbells. Example options for barbell back squat include - sissy squat, goblet squat, and wall sit with/without load to name a few. You may need to adjust repetitions up or down to meet the prescribed RPE based on weight options but the skeleton of the program would still be useful.
Education - the education component is centered around the general topic of low back pain and not necessarily specific to just resistance training. However, the template is specifically designed to return folks to physical activity involving primarily resistance training focused exercises (i.e. squat, bench press, and deadlift variations).
Although there are a multitude of options on the market for aiding those with low back pain, the totality of evidence supports counseling about someone’s experience, providing self-management strategies, and encouraging physical activity based on the individual’s goals. Overall, we do not recommend passive modalities based on the totality of evidence as well as the often fallacious narratives provided to patients in an attempt to validate their utilization. An individual can return to their activity goals without them and thus they are not a necessary component.
I would not recommend running both knee and low back pain templates. They have a lot of crossover in regards to goals of returning to specific resistance training activities so it would be unnecessary to run both. If you’ve not read this article HERE yet, then I highly recommend taking some time to read more on our general recommendations in these scenarios.
Hello Dr. Ray, thanks for the response. I have read the article about pain in training, but I couldn’t manage to follow the steps myself, so I bought today the Low Back Pain Rehab Template. The thing is that, I have a similar problem in my knees after a squat session 1 year + ago, so I was considering to get also the Knee Rehab Template. But, after you answer, I’ll consider buying it after I finish the LBP template, or I’ll try to follow the instruction listed in the article Pain In Training. My back pain is the worst, so I think my knee can wait (I can do everything, I just feel like there’s something inside my knee, weird feeling).
Also, I would be very glad If you can answer to my other post “Psoriatic Arthritis (updated)”, in which I dig a little bit better in my issue.
Thanks again !