question re: 12-20 reps @ RPE 8-9

Hi there,

I may be overthinking this slightly, but would like to get clarification. For some of the GPP work, the sets are described as 12-20 reps @ RPE 8-9. I’m struggling a bit with when to increase the weight on these movements. Should I increase weight once I can do 20 at that RPE or should I choose a target number of reps for each week within that range (e.g. 15) and use that as my rep max (@ RPE 8-9) before increasing weight. I’m currently running Hypertrophy I.

And while on the GPP topic, I have seen this rep range recommendation (12-20) for X mins AMRAP on upper back work in other templates. Previously, I had been doing pull-ups which would go something like 10,6,4,3,3,3,3,2,2 until I saw your IG post. Just confirming that doing AMRAP upper back movement with this rep output does not align to your recommendation. I like pull-ups and chin-ups, but would have to do them assisted somehow to hit that 12-20 range.



Thanks for the post and hopefully you’re digging the template.

To be clear, it probably doesn’t matter when or if you increase the weight in this context, provided you’re falling within the given rep recommendation.

I think AMRAP prescriptions are slightly different than these recommendations. I prefer having a set rep range for hypertrophy work over an AMRAP.


Yes, Jordan, I love the templates. I use Google Sheets on my mobile to track during the workout and review the charts from time to time. It’s a really slick template you’ve designed.

I just re-read the AMRAP prescription on upper back work which states an 8-20 rep range. In that case, it sounds like I should really be choosing an exercise where I can stay within that rep range between rests vs. what you see above for my unassisted chin-ups. I’ll try using a band to assist once I get below the rep range (or just rest longer if I can stay within 8-20). I just find the chin-ups and pull-ups seem to engage more muscle groups than say lat pulldowns, seated row, etc.

I think we made the same “mistake” lol.

I interpreted the written “8 mins work AMRAP” in my program as:

Do as many reps in 8 minutes as possible using whatever rep set rest scheme that can maximise your reps done in 7 minutes as long as the RPE for each set doesn’t exceed 8. And the weight used would be under my discretion but probably not so heavy that I can’t do more than 8 reps in first set.

Jordon- would “8 mins work AMRAP” done in this way for exercises like chin ups or 1-arm rows work?

You could do that, yes.