Range of motion

Hi Jordan and Austin,

What is the evidence, if any, for any effective techniques for increasing range of motion? What factors influence ROM?

For example how should an athlete in a sport where ROM is very important, say soccer, approach improving ROM?

From my own experience, stretching, foam rolling, warming up, just doing the movement and trying to push the ROM, are quite fragile. They show minor short term improvement but are a cup of coffee and a day at the desk away from baseline or worse.

Lifestyle definitely seems to factor in in my experience. Hydration, caffeine, sleep, protein consumption, alcohol consumption, anxiety, general activity level all seem to contribute.

That said there are movement restrictions that appear to be “sticky” in that they don’t seem to ease up very easily even after puritanical lifestyle choices and lots of movement. For example I just got back from a 4 day conference where I sat in a chair 12+ hrs each day. Let me tell you from experience, there is no amount of water, meditation, squats, air, loaded or otherwise that is going to un-**** these hip flexors.

I realize there is a “Mobility” article but it is, frankly, rather limited. Would love to see you guys tackle this topic in-depth. I don’t think I’ve seen that ever done by anyone satisfactorily.


This article is a pretty good read on some of the topics you mention: Quite a Stretch: Stretching Hype Debunked

Also, your hip flexors are probably fine. You might be tired after the long days and, additionally, keeping the same posture for long periods of time can be uncomfortable.

The mobility article was meant to tackle the existing evidence on various methods purported to improve mobility or training outcomes. A full treating of the topic would be either a multi-part series or a book. That said, maybe we’ll get to it in the future.


Great article, man. Thank you that was exactly what I was looking for and confirms some thoughts I have had on the nervous system aspects of flexibility.

I hope one day you are able to do a proper treatment with a book and put some of those mobility “gurus” out of business.