I will finish Week 4.3 of the Beginner Template this weekend. My log (Brad's Training Log -- Beginner Template - Training Logs - Barbell Medicine Forum).
I am posting my e1RM progress below, but I have a few questions:
a) I read somewhere in the materials that I should move on to the next phase after two of my lifts stall out. Is that 2 of the 9 exercises from the week’s plan? Or what if I’m progressing on my 7rep back squat day, but flat on my 10rep back squat day? Based on my progress below, do you think I should move to Phase II?
b) Based on feel alone, I feel like I’m plateauing this week. In the gym the past two weeks, I’ve had that feeling where it feels like I need to “eat more to lift more,” but that’s not really what I’m wanting to do. I’ve done this in the past (SS) and while my lifts have gone up, my clothes have started to fit poorly and I don’t feel as good. I’ve been getting leaner and want to continue getting leaner. I am not currently tracking calories or macros, but have been very mindful about what I eat and have deliberately limited alcohol. As a result, I’ve shed about 6-7lbs over these 6 weeks and have definitely shed a few inches of waistline. I’m currently 6’2" and 191lbs. Is it a mistake to eat clean (I know that’s a charged/loaded word), but not be meticulous about cals/macros, or is this OK? I just find my routine a lot more enjoyable if I’m focused on eating and not eating certain foods as opposed to weighing/counting, etc. I’m not training for a meet or fitness competition; I just want to be healthy and look good.
e1RM Progress:
Back Squat x 4: 221 to 251 – but last week went down to 249.
Bench Press x 10: 197 to 212 – last two weeks flat
Trap Deadlift x 8: 307 to 321 – still gaining here
Overhead Press x 4: 120 to 133 – gained only 1lb this week; not optimistic about gaining next week
Back Squat x 7: 205 to 251 – still gaining here
Barbell Row x 10: 134 to 168 – still gaining, but feel like I’m reaching my limit
Trap Deadlift x 4: 305 to 341 (will shoot for 345 this weekend)
Bench Press x 8: 212 to 226 (will shoot for 230 this weekend)
Back Squat x 10: 212 to 226 (I have been flat at 226 for 3 weeks in a row now).