Recovery from MCL tear


I was diagnosed with a Grade 2 MCL tear today. (I had x-rays and a physical exam, but no MRI.)

I’ve listened to and read your material about pain and nocebo, and wanted to ask your advice on recovery/rehab for this type of injury.

I was diagnosed by a PA in an ortho urgent care. I was prescribed diclofenac and “given” (aka sold) a knee brace that restricts lateral motion. She gave me no advice on recovery other than it would take “a long time” (3 or more months) and that some people choose to see a PT. She said that if it didn’t improve that I should come back for an MRI.

Pain hasn’t been terrible except when the PA pressed directly on the MCL. I can move my knee through a full ROM as long as it doesn’t move sideways. I have some instability in that case. (I have been trying to move through the full ROM every time I stand up.) I am not wearing the knee brace around the house, and just plan to wear it when I go out.

I was wondering if you had any advice on rehabbing this injury in the context of barbell training or sports in general.

How long should I rest this type of injury (avoid putting stress on the knee)?

Should I see a PT? (I would choose a sports-focused one.)

What barbell exercises would recommend to rehab this type of injury?


Thanks for the post and sorry to hear about the knee issue. To answer your questions:

I was wondering if you had any advice on rehabbing this injury in the context of barbell training or sports in general.

Depends on what sport and the symptoms and how those symptoms present during sport (or not). If you can train, you should probably do so. Depending on any symptoms with training we might adjust movements and loading parameters.

How long should I rest this type of injury (avoid putting stress on the knee)?

I don’t think there’s any indication for avoiding “stress” - defined here as activities of daily life and recreational pursuits- outside of symptom management.

Should I see a PT? (I would choose a sports-focused one.)

I am not going to recommend against it and I think if you’re wanting specific guidance about what to do seeing a professional is a good idea. We have options at BBM as well.

What barbell exercises would recommend to rehab this type of injury?

Nothing specifically without a more detailed evaluation, but I don’t think you need to “rehab” anything outside of overcoming any fear-avoidance tendencies with certain movements, training to regain any lost ROM or strength, and go about your life. Again, consultation with a trained professional may be very useful here

Thank you, Jordan. I made an appointment with a PT for Monday. I am doing much better today. Minimal swelling and pain with no bruising. I am trying to use full ROM and maintain a normal gait as best as possible. I can’t help but wonder if squatting and deadlifting helped minimize the injury.

I want to thank you guys again for the stuff on pain and nocebo. It’s kept me positive. I’ve been reading forum posts about MCL tears, and there’s so much nocebo. People are talking about taking a year to return to sports from a injury. Some people said they quit playing because they were afraid of reinjuring. I’m wondering what they’re being told since pro athletes recover from this in 4-6 weeks. It’s not an ACL or meniscus tear.