Research on 2 factor model

Hallo Jordan and Austin,

If I am correct you are advocates of the two factor model when training a clients for sports performance. I am trying to find reliable research on this but can seem to find great sources. Am I missing something? I want to present this to teachers and lecturers at an university for sports. How can I make good claims this is better then ‘sport specific’ strength exercises?

Thank you for all your great work!

Kind regards

I’m not sure I know the two-factor model by name in this context. Can you elaborate?

I am sorry. I mean the two factor model of sports performance as written here:

Kind regards

I’m afraid I don’t have the desire to read that, though I will say that organization’s objective results with individuals (athletes included) and inconsistency with the literature does not bode well for the contents.

If you have specific questions, I’m happy to answer them. Please don’t make me read that though.

I understand, just thought you were familiar with the content.

Basically we separate sports practice and training in the weight room to become stronger and to perform better at the given sport. Correct me please if you think otherwise. Get the athlete strong with big movements instead of so called sport specific work. Meaning someone would make an exercise in the weight room look like a movement in sport specific context.

Do you have more info related to this topic for example? Or am I wrong and do you have another opinion perhaps? Please excuse my english I am not a native.

Thank you for taking time to answer!

I think that individuals in sport should do some sports specific work, mimicking velocities, ROM, energy system demands, and so on. The relative proportion this should be of their program depends on the individual, their training history, their sport, and needs. I do not think all athletes need to low bar squat, bench press, press, and deadlift.

I don’t believe we’ve published any information about training specificity in sports as it pertains to programming, though we do talk about it a lot in the most recent podcast on power production and training youth individuals.