Sarcoidosis, Aerobic Capacity

My father was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and was told that his lung capacity was at 35% of what’s considered average. I’ve asked him to try to do some form aerobic training but my mother says the doctor claims it will not help. Is that true?

Thanks in advance and for everything else you do.​

I would recommend treatment of his sarcoidosis as per his physician, but also strongly recommend performing both aerobic and strength training (assuming no specific reason that his doctor would recommend against it).

Regardless of whether training directly impacts his lung capacity, it will confer numerous other benefits on his health and longevity.

Thanks Dr. Baraki!

I’ve been following Dr. Feigenbaum, Alan Thrall and you since the days of fahives. I just finished episodes 236, 237 & 238 of the podcast. Please keep up the good work!