My son is 17 and has just been diagnosed with “mild” Scoliosis. Doctor said he should not continue cross country due to impact on spine. That being said my son has begun weight lifting the last few months and he likes that much more than running. He likes lifting and it has been good for him mentally, emotionally, discovering the potential he has and what he is capable of. Should he now train differently? He would like to gain muscle and hit 300 + lbs on the bench before he graduates in two years, he is currently at 120lb max bench for 4 reps his body weight is about 125lbs. Will Scoliosis lead to injury, or will progressing in weight lead to worsening of his spine? Are there types of movements he should avoid? Example being squats, deadlifts, sit-ups, bent over rows. He is confident that he will be ok but I am nervous. I believe he should continue but I also don’t want him having a lifetime of pain. Thanks for the help.
The physician’s advice here is inaccurate.
He should continue to train normally. It is important to understand that everyone experiences pain and injury at some point in life – but his “mild” scoliosis does not impact this in any way.
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