I’ll try to make this as concise as possible.
I began working out about 7 weeks ago. When I started, I think I was progressing in weight too quickly and this compromised my form. About my 3rd week in, I began experiencing discomfort in my lower back, so I took a week off. I returned to the gym after the week and everything was going fine. Then on my 2nd working set of squats my right lower back just lit up like a firecracker set off inside of it. I racked it and left the gym. With each step there was pain shooting from right lower back through my leg. Now, I’m not sure if there was actually pain shooting down my lower leg or not if the pain in my right lower back was so painful it made it feel like it. With each step my right lower back just was lighting up. However, by the evening (a few hours later) I was able to walk without feeling like there was pain shooting down my leg. The I weight 190lbs and was squatting 185lbs.
For 2-3 days it was a struggle to even get up and sit down. I couldn’t bend over. I was icing it on and off for 20 minutes at a time, but, each day I was making very slight progress. After the 3rd day I began to regain noticeable flexibility, and after about 8-9 days I essentially regained most of my flexibility. However there is still pain in my right lower back which is isolated. When I bend over I can feel it. Sometimes when I sit down I can feel it- it’s very localized but it’s definitely there. I haven’t lifted anything for about 3-4 weeks.
My question is, when is it time to go back to the gym? I’ve had people suggest to go back and train through it and it will help the injury, I’ve had others tell me to not lift anything until the pain fully subsides. Since gaining more flexibility, I’ve been trying to correct some form issues by squatting at home with just my body weight. My biggest issue has been the rounding of my lower back, which was there even prior to the injury from what I’ve seen in videos I’ve taken.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!