21 year old male here. So at the very beginning of July, I hurt my lower back doing deadlifts with improper form, only 135 pounds (I was way too far forward on my feet). I could still bend over most days, it didn’t hurt to stand or sit, just to bend over, and it was a little stiff and sore when I did so. I stopped deadlifting and kept squatting until that started twinging my lower back as well, around the 150 pound mark. This was all previous to beginning Starting Strength. I took a number of weeks off, saw a chiropractor a few times, things seemed to be a somewhat better.
Three weeks ago, I began my SS LP and my back started feeling WAY better after 1.5-2 weeks, I had almost no pain left. Until today. I started feeling something a little bit twingey during my warmup sets, but I pushed on through and squatted 165 pounds for 3 sets of 5 and deadlifted 190 for 1 set of 5, since the barbell work seemed to really help with the pain before. It was uncomfortable, but I made it through and I didn’t feel like I was about to break anything.
Now my lower back feels like it used to. It’s fine until I bend over or load weight on my back. If I bend over, I can touch the floor, but I feel pain mostly at the waist joint in the center and right side of my back. After a few seconds, it seems to fade as my back gets used to being in that position.
I think my squat form is at least okay so I’m not sure that’s the issue, I’ll post links to a couple videos.
Set 2: https://youtu.be/yFoKzgWGwj8
Set 3: https://youtu.be/OteWSsRrxAo
So, what should I do moving forward? Should I skip Wednesday and come back Friday or Saturday depending on how I feel? Or should I lift on Wednesday but deload my squat and deadlift to 135 pounds and 165 pounds or so? What other recovery methods can I/should I use? Should I bother going to the doctor given the symptoms I’ve described? Thanks in advance.