Austin & Jordan, Im having a hard time identifying the source of a shoulder/arm pain ive been dealing with for a couple of months. It only acts up when squatting and benching heavy. When squatting, as soon as I unrack the weight i can feel a painful pinch in my left shoulder blade that travels down the inside of my bicep. Ive tried switching from locked wrists to bent wrists and thumbs around to over the bar. Nothing seems to help the pain. I have NEVER felt this pain in my right arm or elbow. Only my non dominant side (left). Its starting to impact my progresss and would really like to get it figured out… I appreciate any input and thanks for your time.
This is one of those situations where it’s hard for us to give a concrete answer without some in-person experimentation, given that you’ve tried some of the things you mentioned.
It sounds like there’s probably some issue with your setup that needs to be addressed. You could try posting a form check to our FB page, and/or take a period of time using the high bar squat to temporarily relieve/desensitize the area.