Shoulder Injury Management during PB I template

Hi, greetings from Southamerica! (And excuse my somehow limited english skills).

I’m currently running PB1 in week 7 and developed a cold / flu.
Wednesday I decided to train anyway in 2nd day workout and started with enough energy to increase weight to target rpe in bench press (75kg 1 rep @ 8).
But, as workout progressed after having a hard time with paused squat with same weight than previous week and maybe a bit of RPE overshooting in 3rd series I was not even able to execute pendlay rows cause I felt lot of fatigue in the lower back.
Next, decided to go with supplemental lateral raises with same weight than past week (5kg) as I didn’t feel tired in the upper body but was barely able to do 12 reps compared with the 20 from the previous week in each series.

After I finished workout I started to feel discomfort in left shoulder after time passed but thought it was just temporal fatigue same as lower back + flu effect but next day I woke up with pain and pops and snaps in the shoulder when moving in different directions…
Taking ibuprofen 400mg/6hs as I’m still dealing with the cold but almost recovered, still feeling some shoulder pain and noises.

So, my question is, should I switch to the shoulder rehab template (already bought it and checked it) or should I keep the same template but modify pressing elements to use dumbells in right side to keep intensities and volume and in the left use pain management + rehab elements (find entry point, 3 0 0 tempo, add external rotation work, etc).
Any other recommendation?

I’m biased to keep current template as I’m enjoying the progress in the lifts plus I’m in pre season of ski here in the south of the globe and I think PB1 fits better for specific sport needs but maybe I’m wrong.

BTW I have to say you changed my life in my 40s with your contents on health and strenght, I have run beginner template twice combined with diet recommendations and with that I lost many kilos, reduced blood pressure, managed pain shoulders (yep I had it in the past), in low back (spondy and bloated discs here) and knees, changed body composition and became stronger.


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