My other thread (second page my only other post) got closed before I could respond. Not sure if you can merge these somehow or not.
Since I posted the thread a few days ago I got a print out of my Ultrasound. It essentially says a bunch of stuff in my shoulder is fine but my bicep tendon has fluid around it indicating bicep tendonosis.
I messed around with a bunch of pressing exercises like you recommended and I am happy I did. I discovered that any time my hands are close together (think overhead press with hands inside of shoulder width like 6 in apart) I get very little pain in my shoulder… Just a bit of what I would describe as tightness.
Any time my hands are wider apart or if my arm is flaired out even slightly in a single arm press I get pain through my shoulder. This also seems to apply to benching. If my hands are 4-6 inches apart I don’t get pain. Wider I do. Shortened ROM with a regular grip still causes pain with both press and bench.
I also noticed I have a really big strength discrepancy now between my two shoulders. As well it seems that there is a limit when it comes to adding weight on the painful side. 30 pound Arnold presses didn’t bother it to much if I pressed straight up almost inline with my shoulder and I could do a bunch of them with a slow tempo … but 35 wouldn’t move and caused pain.
Your reply to my other thread mentioned appropriate loading. Would that be taking the movements I can get away with doing with very little pain and progressing them in the 8 rep range? and if there is pain should I just work through it as long is it’s not a really sharp pain or obviously to much.