Singles practice

Never thought I’d be asking this. Only in week 2 of the Bridge.and decided it would be fun to get into the Garage Gym Competition in a month. You video yourself attempting PR’s in the Bench, Squat and Deadlift.

I read this is a skill to practice and I am willing. My question is where to incorporate singles. I am thinking it may be best, after warmups, to hit a run of singles up to 8 or 9 before starting the work sets in the Bridge. I am under no pressure to hit any numbers and I look at this as just my first strength test. I realize I have just 4 weeks so I will do what I can to do my best.

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I would just do one of our peaking templates, probably this novice one:

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Perfect, Perfect, perfect. Thank you very much.

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Just a follow up. I had a lot of fun training up to the “Garage Competition” on instagram. My PR lift was the squat at 345 lbs. My BP is 205 lbs. which I had done in training and my DL is limited to 390 lbs. because that is all the weight i have. I’m looking forward to getting a few more plates when businesses open back up. My 3 attempts can be seen on IG name is fighting.50

PS I didn’t win