Sleep apnea - mask alternatives?

I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea about a year ago. Since then I’ve tried to get used to a cpap machine but just can’t do it. I’ve tried every mask imaginable and feel like I gave it my best effort. Are there other effective options? I heard Jordan mention a dental mouth piece that may work, but when researching these it seems they are not effective for a lot of people. Just looking to see if you have any suggestions as I don’t want to give up entirely on correcting this.

Thank you!

Mandibular advancement devices (MADs) seem to do a reasonable job at improving the signs and symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea in many individuals. They tend to be less effective than masks in patients with severe sleep apnea, though they still work to some degree. If I were in your situation, I’d work with my sleep medicine professional for solutions to this, which could certainly include a MAD.

Thanks a lot Jordan. Do you notice any discomfort with your teeth? Seems like a common complaint is that because they put pressure on the lower jaw to move more forward, it can shift or put pressure on your teeth causing pain and/or discomfort.

I haven’t had any complaints, but everyone’s experience is likely to vary.