First of all, I’m loving the hypertrophy template, it’s been a while since I was really looking forward to my next session. However, there’s been a couple of questions that I had in mind (besides the ones that you guys answered).
1- On the GPP days, should I stick to one movement for the upper back or do for example one vertical pull and one horizontal pull? Like chinups Tuesday and DB rows on Thursday.
2- Should I change the excercise every month (or X time) or until I can’t surpass my previous week max reps on the 8 minutes?
3- What’s the most optimal way to do the submaximal sets on the 8 Minutes? Lets say I do 12 chinups first at RPE 8, should I wait one minute (or X time) and go again at another RPE 8 or go by feel?
4- Similar to number 2 but with Ab wheels. I really want to get good at them and I’m not having any problems 2x a week, but perhaps you guys recommend doing one abs wheels and one toes to bar for example.
Thanks for reviving my passion to train!