Questions about the 7 week GPP Hypertrophy template

Hi guys!
I want to begin with thanking you guys for the amazing information you put out and all the gainzzz I’ve acquired because of you! I have two questions about the 7 week GPP Hypertrophy template:

  1. Why is the template somewhat dissorted in the “Bonus” section, check the attached picture.
  2. I haven’t really understood the purpose of fatigue, the explanation in the RPE section did not make me any smarter haha.

This makes me very confused about the concept of fatigue:
In any event, after finding the 5 reps @ RPE 9 load, you’ll take 5% off the bar to do your back off sets with. You’ll take 4-5 minutes rest between sets and do as many back off sets for that weight (95% of your top set of the day) to feel like RPE 9.
So lets for example say that I’m doing squats on day 1 week 1 in the template which is 6 @ 6, 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8 x 2 sets, am I supposed to work up to 6@8 and then take off some percent and do another 6@8 or how am I supposed to do?

Anyways thanks again for the awesome information!


Thanks for the post and welcome to the forum.

  1. Looks like you’re opening it on something else besides Excel or google sheets. It works well in both of those. What program are you using.
  2. I wouldn’t use fatigue for anything other than if you were gonna get some coaching afterwards, but even then we don’t really use it anymore.

So lets for example say that I’m doing squats on day 1 week 1 in the template which is 6 @ 6, 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8 x 2 sets, am I supposed to work up to 6@8 and then take off some percent and do another 6@8 or how am I supposed to do?

In this scenario I would repeat the 6 @ 8 for a 2nd set.

Hi Jordan!
Thanks for the quick answer! I’m using the latest versions of Excel on both Windows and Android and the template is dissorted on both versions, I’ll give Google sheets a try. And I see, then I’m not so confused anymore. Thanks again.


Yea I’m not sure why it’s doing that for you. We will investigate.

Just so you guys know this isn’t an isolated incident. I am using this template right now. My document looks the same regarding the bonus arm work. I deleted the additional cells to clean it up. I us Excel as well.

I had this issue.

From what I typed in another thread in the unmoderated programming discussion forums: There was text in row 32 and 33 in the template sheet that extended from column A to column XFD (XFD = column number 16384 :hushed:). I just deleted everything from column J onwards, saved it in Excel, and then Google Sheets could upload it.

Just purchased the 7 Week GPP Hypertrophy template and:

  1. Have same formatting issue on Windows Excel (and Excel Online). It looks like you have an absurd duplication of rows 32-33 on the ‘Hypertrophy Template’ tab.
  2. Cannot get the .xlsx file to open in Drive at all (via Sheets, or other apps). Sheets gives a ‘file too large’ error.

I’m a huge fan of BBM overall. And the information in the templates is IMO a great value and I’d buy them again in a heartbeat… But (ouch, yeah, this is happening)…
The presentation of these templates (The Bridge and this program so far) are awful.
They are poorly (and barely) formatted. “6 @ 6, 6 @ 7, 6 @ 8 x 2” crammed in a single cell with no formatting is difficult to read quickly and easy to lose your place when trying to write today’s program out.
You have paragraphs of text mashed together as well (FYI: You could Alt+Enter to make a newline, or throw sentences in lower cells).

I appreciate that a lot of time still went into these sheets with all of the content and functionality. But, please, pay someone a few bucks to format these.