"Speed Work" for Powerlifters

I am sure you have answered this question elsewhere before, so my apologies. What are your thoughts on speed work for powerlifters? There is some research that some lifters respond better to high velocity training vs traditional strength training when attempting to increase rate of force development (Peltonen et al 2018). Given that velocity correlates to proximity to failure and strength at given loads would you ever recommend powerlifters have “speed days?”


We do not routinely recommend high velocity strength training, which necessitates a light weight to do, for improving low velocity strength performance (powerlifting). The muscular adaptations are disparate and conflicting.

While it is true that bar velocity is higher at submaximal loads given the force-velocity curve, I would disagree that focusing on high velocity force production improves the velocity that heavy loads move- not that this is important anyway outside of using maximum volitional load.
