
I’ve seen you guys using the Speed4Lifts recently… how are you liking it? I have a Rep One on preorder but it looks like that won’t be here until probably February and I’m thinking of picking up a S4L in the meantime and then selling whichever one I like less down the road.

Hey Tim,

I’m liking mine so far. I got a cheap tablet to connect with the device and have been playing around with the auditory feedback / velocity stops to manage fatigue a bit better. I find that I’m volitionally trying to move the weight faster than I typically do as well. I will say, however, that at this point having used RPE for many years, the velocity information more often tends to confirm what I already know based on feel, rather than delivering a lot of radically new information, at least for me.

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If I may: is there any research on advantages and disadvantages of applying maximum force to each rep? I notice in the exercise demo videos Jordan does the reps very quickly with light weight. I tend to have a constant speed until the last reps of a high RPE set. I doubt there is any difference in speed between 185lb and 325 deadlift for me. I could pull harder, I just never have.
Does it matter?

Thanks, that makes sense and I’ve heard other people echo that sentiment about RPE, including Mike T. Personally though I’ve always struggled with the subjectivity of RPE based training. Most people seem to have a much easier time with it so my problems are probably due to my own personality flaws. I’m hoping VBT will help me by giving more objective feedback and maybe over time correlating bar speed with my own perceptions of effort will make me better at RPE as well. In any case I did order a S4L during their black friday sale and it should get here soon so I’m looking forward to trying it out.