In the course of my training, bending over at the correct angle on the squat is something that has perplexed me frequently. I think this is largely because I am unsure what the guidelines for back angle are.
I learned to from squat from reading Starting Strength, and in that book and elsewhere he emphasizes leaning over. Presumably he means that as a corrective for people who don’t bend over enough ( “point your nipples at the floor”, etc.). For me, however, instructions like this are not particularly helpful because I train alone and don’t have a coach to tell when I am doing it right.
What I would like to understand is-
What are the criteria for a correct back angle?
I assume that maintaining the bar over midfoot would be a primary concern, but is there more to consider than just that? Doesn’t your knee movement make a difference?
Again, I am searching for guidelines so that I can self-assess whether my back angle is correct.