I agree that you are good morninging your squats andi t’s inefficient.
Here are some popular cues for helping with this issue:
‘Leg Drive’
The idea is that out of the hole you are extending your legs without putting any force into the ground, leg drive means drive your legs (or feet) into the ground.
Similar to leg drive, the idea is that out of the hole you are extending your legs without putting any force into the bar, back means drive your upper back into the bar.
‘Knees Forward’ (this is what I currently use for myself)
The idea is that your knees (and therefore thighs and hips) are shooting back. Knees froward means during the concentric try to push your knees forward. Inevitably your knees will move back during the lift, but try to keep them forward for as long as possible.
Here are some popular exercises for helping with this issue:
Paused and Tempo Squats
These let you practice the squat with less weight and give you more time to use your cues. These also eliminate some of the stretch reflex and sometimes people good morning a squat when they are trying to use a lot of stretch reflex and end up moving faster than the bar.
More upright squat variations (High Bar, Front Squat, SSB, Bulgarian Split Squats, Goblet Squats)
These let you practice better positioning and punish you for good morninging (except split squats aren’t very punishing)
Pin Squats
These give you time to cue yourself and punish you for getting out of position.
Quad exercises (leg extensions)
Sometimes people good morning their squat so that the moment arm between the knees and the bar is decreased, making it easier on the quads. If you don’t really feel squats on your quads and your quads don’t grow much from squatting that is another sign that you could benefit from quad isolation exercises.
One more tip: IK you’re using the beginner prescription and i’m not sure if this is an issue, but try to avoid carrying much quad fatigue into your squat sessions. Squatting with fatigued quads can make it seem like you have weak quads and you may compensate by doing a good morning squat.